Software Engineer


Who am I?

My love for software began in 2015 when I stumbled across "Introduction to Java" tutorials on YouTube, by the thenewboston Ever since, I've been hooked.

I then went on to persue a Bachelors of Science in Internet Technology. If you would like to see a list of course I took click HERE

With 4 years of software engineering experience, I've been a critical team member in analyzing legacy system, full stack development and deploying projects to premise and cloud infrastructure.

My love for software and learning never ended. This is why I am currently pursuing a masters in Computer Science at the University of South Dakota.


Top 10 Developed & Shipped

Production Planner
Analyst/ Lead Developer/ Devops
Bermudez Group
Web app to allow dispatchers to perform checks of products before loading unto the trucks. The app was built to eliminate paper and automate redundant activities by the salesmen, distributors, dispatchers and production planning.
  • Django, Python
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Apache24, Windows Server 2012
  • Microsft SQL Server
ACH Payments
Analyst/ Lead Developer/ Devops
Bermudez Group
Web App to dynamically pull employees from Microsoft GP to enter payment records. Task scheduler executes a python script to generate and transfer ACH files to the bank automatically for employees to be paid.
  • Django, Python
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Apache24, Windows Server 2012
  • Microsft SQL Server
Pay Slip
Analyst/ Lead Developer/ Devops
Bermudez Group
Web App to grant employees access to their monthly or weekly pay slip. A python automation script was also used to send employees their encrypted pay slip via email depending on the employee pay cycle.
  • Django, Python
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Apache24, Windows Server 2012
  • Microsft SQL Server
Analyst/ Lead Developer/ Devops
Bermudez Group
Web app to conduct audits in the Health and Food Safety departments. The audit template forms can dynamically be configured to specifications. PDF and excel reports can be generated for specified criterias
  • Django, Python
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Apache24, Windows Server 2012
  • Microsft SQL Server
Credit & Risk E.R.P
Analyst / Full Stack Developer
A.V Knowles Group
Core ERP application used by every department in the organization. Features includes debt collection, credit inquiry processing, analytics dashboard, data import/export and reports in various formats such as .docx, CSV and PDF.
  • PHP, Phalcon
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Ubuntu, Apache
  • MySQL
Credit Search
Full Stack Developer
A.V Knowles Group
Web app used by thousands of financial instutions and local business to conduct a credit search on individuals and businesses requesting credit. The search algorithm would search over 1 million profiles within seconds.
  • PHP, Phalcon
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • jQuery, Bootstrap
  • Ubuntu, Apache
  • MySQL
Credit Search API
Back End Developer
A.V Knowles Group
API end point to connect to the A.V Knowles database to companies when conducting a credit search. This was developed to allow customers to conduct searches within their own portal. Similar search algorithm was used.
  • PHP
  • Phalcon
  • Apache
  • Ubuntu
  • MySQL
Algorithm Visualizer
Front End Developer
Web app used to visualize some of the most popular sorting algorithms including bubble, selection, insertion, merge and quick. This was an experimental project used for self learning.

  • React
  • Github Pages
Lead Developer/ Devops
Web app used for real time communication with the use of web sockets. This was an experimental project used for self learning.

  • NodeJS
  • JavaScript
  • MongoDB
  • Ubuntu
Full Stack Developer
Web app used conduct appointments for government services. The portal allowed citizens to select a time block and schedule their visit. An admin portal was also avaiable to configure appointment services.
  • NodeJS
  • React/Redux
  • MongoDB
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Heroku
Bootleg Hangman
Desktop game similar to hangman, where a user guess a series of letters to make a word. Scores are stored in a MySQL database. The program uses Threads, OOP, Java GUIs. This was a university project for OOP2 course.
  • Mysql
  • Java


From Design to Deploy

<!-- Front End -->
   <li> HTML5 CSS3 JS </li>
   <li> React </li>
   <li> AngularJS </li>
   <li> jQuery </li>
   <li> Bootstrap </li>
# Back End
def display_back_end():
   back_end = []
   pre back_end.append ("Python")
   back_end.append ("NodeJS")
   back_end.append ("Java")
   back_end.append ("PHP")
-- Databases
"MySQL", "Microsoft SQL",
"Oracle 13g", "MongoDB"
root@ubuntu_pc:/var/cloud_skills# ls
AWS    Azure    Heroku     Digital Ocean   

root@ubuntu_pc:/var/os_skill# ls
Ubuntu    Windows Server    CentOS     Docker